press-mounted shuffle conveyor

The Shuffle Drive Conveyor system is ideal for part and scrap extraction at the press. Mayfran application engineers work with your CAD drawings or digital photographs of your press arrangements to design the system to fit your application exactly. The compact and powerful Shuffle Drive motor can be mounted wherever needed to fit the material flow and available space, readily supporting rolling-bolster installations. The cross-shaft which drives the trays can be designed to rest within the bed if necessary. The trays are custom made to meet your specific material handling needs. Only the trays need to be removed during die changes, and that operation requires no tools.

shuffle drive benefits
  • Virtually maintenance free
  • No shop air required
  • No operator training required
  • No adjustments to make during operation
  • Permanently lubricated
  • Not easily damaged by towmotor/lift trucks
  • Designed for operation 24/7/365
  • Starts under full load
  • Faster die changeovers – no tools needed for tray removal
  • Brochure
  • Contact


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